Friday, April 17, 2009


New Orleans, Louisiana

My road trip is complete and I'm now home with the Richters. I was greeted by kid hugs and a bigger and sassier baby Adelaide, who didn't quite remember me but appears to be my friend again now that I've been home a couple days.

As I reflect back on the trip, I am sooooo glad I did it. Who takes a 2-month road trip??! For all of you who I got to see along the way, THANK YOU for sharing your home/food/life with me. The conversations I had with old friends were truly the highlights of the trip. Oh, and I came up with a Top 5 moments of the trip, thanks to Shannon's suggestion (Dallas friend--holla). In no particular order:

1. Playing "Mow" with college friends in Chicago
2. Prayer with my sister, Liz, in Chicago
3. Sandhill Cranes with my grandma in NE
4. Being in the presence of God at the International House of Prayer
5. Snowball fight with Craig in CO

There were so many other fun, fun things I got to do and people I got to spend time with... my list could go on (but that was what the blog was for).

Thanks for following along on the journey.
Peace out to the readers!

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