Thursday, March 5, 2009

Embarrassment and Some Counsel


Yesterday my favorite pair of old jeans ripped open on the butt. I discovered this around 2 o'clock, though I am not sure when it happened nor how long I was walking around like that. When I discovered this I was at the gym changing into workout clothes and also realized that I had forgotten to grab a pair of white sports socks. I only had black dress socks on.

I felt really ridiculous with my basketball shorts, white gym shoes, and black dress socks up there on the Elliptical for an hour, but whatever, right? Hardly anyone was in the workout room, and most of the other people were older and not terribly concerned about fashion themselves. It was only when I went to leave that I realized that I could NOT change back into my jeans but would have to walk across the college campus looking like this. Not only would I look rediculous wearing shorts in the middle of winter, but they would be complimented with my supreme sense of sock choice. :)

In other news, I met up with two of my former education professors today, Carol and Suzanne, which was wonderful. They were their usual positive, but genuine and open selves. A lot of our conversation was spent reflecting on life and its sorrows and joys that have been experienced over time. Though all of us have reason to shrink back from the painful things life has handed us and be consumed by anger, depression, or even want to give up and lose hope, God has given us joy and security. This includes the trials of illness, losing loved ones, and changes in financial security. These women are a model to me of trusting Christ in and through everything. I feel honored that they continue to invest in me after being their student so long ago.

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